Thursday, May 31, 2012

Ireland votes, some serious arguments by Irish

Ireland being the only country to carry out a referendum on EU fiscal treaty will vote today and the Irish are likely to support the treaty. The treaty would regulate fiscal spending and make it tougher for governments to borrow their way out of reforms all across Europe. A "No" vote would make the country ineligible for possible financing aid in the future if ran into trouble.

It is in fact true that Brussels could veto a future budget if the country were planning to overspend. This has given some "hefty" arguments to the opposition of the treaty (below you'll find some examples). Fresh comments from Irish people have been delivered by Financial Times:
- “I voted no because I don’t want to be governed by a Nazi state,” said one No voter, who would not give his name.
- Marie, a middle aged woman, said she voted No to be “on the safe side”. “It’s a very complicated treaty but I think it was safer to vote no,” she said.
- Another woman said she voted No because of the huge debts Ireland had to pay.

As you can see the opposition has done a great job by washing the brains of some voters since arguments above don't actually say anything about the treaty or the problems Ireland is facing.

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